Which zodiac sign are you?
If you ask this question in the US, most people would answer the 12 constellations related to the astrology stars.
But when you ask the same question to a Japanese, we would have a completely different answer!
We have our own horoscope called “Eto” or “Jyunishi” that’s based on the Chinese animal astrology. While the Western horoscope is assigned according to the month and day you’re born on, the Asian horoscope differs according to the year you’re born in. There are total of 12 animals and each animal represents a different personality.
The past eleven years’ “Eto” is as follows:
2005 酉 Rooster
2006 戌 Dog
2007 亥 Boar
2008 子 Rat
2009 丑 Ox
2010 寅 Tiger
2011 卯 Rabbit
2012 辰 Dragon
2013 巳 Snake
2014 午 Horse
2015 未 Sheep
And this year is…

申 The year of the monkey!!
Take a look at this adorable footage posted on youtube by Sankei News 🙂
This video takes place at Awajishima Monkey Center in Hyogo Prefecture.
The monkeys are spelling out “サル(saru),” the word monkey in Japanese katakana letters!
Awajishima Monkey Center
289 Hatadagumi, Sumoto
Hyogo, Japan 656-2533
Tel: 0799-29-0112