Meeting and getting to know people can be a daunting experience for many of us. While some have the skills to navigate social encounters, others need a little assistance. If you are in charge of a group of people who might be unfamiliar with each other at a team meeting, then icebreakers are a great way to warm people up to each other and encourage active communication. Here we would like to introduce some good icebreakers and questions for team meetings to help make them more enjoyable.
What are good icebreakers for team meetings
An icebreaker is a game or activity that helps introduce people to each other, break down any social barriers, and encourage people to interact. It is a way to add fun to proceedings where people meet for the first time.
Icebreakers for face-to-face meetings
Face-to-face meetings can provide opportunities for different kinds of icebreakers compared to online ones. When a group of people unfamiliar with each other comes together in a room, there may be a feeling of awkwardness. Some lighthearted games are bound to loosen people up before the work begins.
Fun icebreakers for face-to-face meetings
Icebreakers for face-to-face meetings can get creative by using items to help bring people together. Here are some fun icebreakers to bring positive energy to a meeting.
One-minute introduction
The simplest way to break the ice. Go round to each participant in the room and ask them to introduce themselves. Ask them to state their name and a fact about themselves they would like to share with the group.
Back-to-back drawing
Get two people to sit facing away from each other. One of the pair receives a picture of an object or a phrase and, without using any words that give away what it is, describes it to the other participant. The participant listening to the description then proceeds to draw what they hear. This game is a fun way for team building and communication.
Scavenger hunt
Get people moving with a scavenger hunt around the office, building, or even outside in the local area. Make small groups and give each one a list of locations. Ask them to find those locations and take a selfie within the time limit given. Have a prize ready for the winner since this game is more active.
Icebreakers for virtual and hybrid meetings
The kind of icebreaker needed to warm people up to each other may differ based on whether the meeting is virtual, hybrid, or face-to-face. With virtual or hybrid meetings done on the internet via computers or other such devices, icebreakers must be designed to fit the situation at hand. As a simple icebreaker when participants are in various parts of the world, ask them where they are currently. It is an opportunity to talk about the country or region in which they live or work.
Fun icebreakers for virtual meetings
For virtual meetings, some platforms have apps that have icebreakers already available if you do not have any of your own. Below are some ideas for short icebreakers ideal for online meetings.
Show and tell
A fun and simple little icebreaker to get to know people.
Find a nearby item or share a picture on the chat. Go around the group sharing the story or meaning behind that item.
Find a nearby item or share a picture on the chat. Go around the group sharing the story or meaning behind that item.
Two truths and a lie
Ask the participants in the meeting to write three statements about themselves. Two of the statements should be true, and one should be a lie.
Get participants to vote with a mark on which statement they think is the lie. Once all the votes are in, reveal the answer and answer any questions the participants may have.
Get participants to vote with a mark on which statement they think is the lie. Once all the votes are in, reveal the answer and answer any questions the participants may have.
Icebreaker questions for meetings
Like in a normal social situation, a simple question is sometimes all it takes to start breaking the ice. There are many ways to ask a question. Whether the question is fun-oriented or more work-related, the idea is to help people relax and open up.
Example icebreaker questions
Try any of the following questions to break the ice with people.
- What is your role within the company?
- Where did you grow up?
- What is your favorite color?
- Where in the world are you?
- What was the last TV show you binged?
- If you could have a superpower, what would it be?
- What would you buy first if you won the lottery?
- If you could turn invisible, what would it be?
- Have you ever met anyone famous?
- What is the silliest item you bought?
- Who would you choose to narrate the story of your life?
- Would you like to be famous?
- If you could be an animal, which would you choose?
A little fun can go a long way and help bring people together, especially those who may struggle to initiate conversation. Icebreakers are a great way to break down the barriers we sometimes have and hopefully have some fun. Whether in-person or online, getting to know a little more about colleagues or other participants can cultivate a team spirit and other benefits over the long term.

We at JTB USA provide suitable venues for team meetings, planning and administrative support to make your event a success. Please feel free to contact us at or by clicking the button below.