The most Beautiful Temple, “Byodo-In” in Uji city, Kyoto is National Treasure and World Heritage Site

Originally it was founded in 998 by Fujiwara-No-Michinaga for a private residence.  And then in 1052 his son, Fujiwara-No-Yorimichi, converted it to a temple.  Byodo-In Temple is located in the city of Uji, Kyoto prefecture. It is one of Japanese attractive  National Treature and World Heritage site.

In the following year, the Phoenix hall, “Ho-Oh-Do”, was built around the Ajiike pond to enshrine an Amida Nyorai image.

On the top of its roof, you can find a statue of a phonix (National Treasure). After that many buildings were founded, but unfortunately most of them were burn because of the fires of war in 1336.

Amazingly it is the only building that has survived after various natural disasters such as earthquakes or fire. And most of people approve that it is one of the beautiful temples in Japan.

If you check Japanese 10-yen coins, you’ll realize that the temple is drawn there. Also a phonix can be seen on the back of a 10,000 yen bill.

There is guided tour every 30 minutes to get inside of Ho-Oh-Do.

Also there is Byodo-In museum named Hoshokan. It exhibits various treasures like the statures of  Worshing Bodhisttvas on Clouds. It is opened to the public every spring and fall.

This is a picture of Amida Nyorai.  The Phoenix hall is facing to the east. That’s why the Amida Nyorai receives sunrise and sunset light from its back.

There are Saisho-In Temple, Fudo-Do, Jodo-In Temple situated in the back to Ho-Oh-Do.

Uji City is renowned for producing highest quality of Japanese Green Tea and there are many tea house along the way to Byodo-In Temple.

There are many Tea Stores in Uji City.  This Izumien is the one of the oldest Tea store dates back to Kanei-Gannen which is 1624.Current store owner is of its 15th generation.

BYodo-in Temple
16 Renge, Uji, Uji City
Kyoto, Japan

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