Category Miyazaki


The Most Luxurious Train in Japan SEVEN STAR CRUISE TRAIN in Kyushu May 31st Departure

  Seven stars cruise train in Kyushu Japan called “Nanatsuboshi” now available exclusively by JTB The “Seven Stars in Kyushu” luxury train sets a new standard for train travel in Japan. With the rooms limited to a total of 14 suites,…

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TAKACHIHO Miyazaki where is regarded as the place where Japanese history started 「高千穂」

Takachiho, Miyazaki, You may never heard of this name before. But Takachio, on the southern island of Kyushu, is regarded as the place where Japanese history started. According to Japanese myth, Japanese gods and goddess of Shinto pantheon landed when…

Read MoreTAKACHIHO Miyazaki where is regarded as the place where Japanese history started 「高千穂」